sending you big hug! may Allah always ease your way. really i'm worried about you kaksu. sori org tep in english lak. huhu~ miss you n STAY STRONG!!! :')
Hello 2016
Well, I think I should start updating my blog again. At least my future
generations know who is me. :)
Will make a few come back regards to my wedding in ...
Zahirkan Keprihatinan
Setelah aku mumaiyiz dan baligh, inilah kali pertama aku diuji dengan sakit
begini. Bermula dengan pembedahan, kemudian ada jangkitan pula. Dalam masa
Blog baru
Berpindah ke blog baru, Jalan Klasik...sbb Secrets of My Hands ni mcm tak
matured. Err of cos la sbb masa ni masih ank dara, sekarang dh matured bila
kak su..... nape ni? huhu~
rasa sakit..huhu
but it's nothing
juz a small thing
tQ :D
sending you big hug! may Allah always ease your way. really i'm worried about you kaksu. sori org tep in english lak. huhu~ miss you n STAY STRONG!!! :')
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